Is it ok to observe all religious holidays in the workplace? Yes Treat others as you'd be treated and that applies to observing holidays No There are too many, let's stick with Christmas
Is it possible for the worst sinners to be saved by God? Yes God is omnipotent and can do anything. Surely the power of God is enough to redeem and save the worst sinners No A heart that has turned from God so vehemently can not be fully restored
Would the US benefit from a return to it's founding values and religious ideologies? Yes America needs to return to the faith and values of its founders. More God, less TV and Social Media No America is fine, as time passes those ideas are less relevant
Is it appropriate for a church to sponsor LGBTQ Pride events? Yes God loves all people and so should we No It is inappropriate to sponsor or encourage LGBTQ Pride events
Is man to blame for leaving the lost books of the bible out? Yes They are mentioned in the bible so must have been left out by mistake No God intended to leave them out or they would be in there
Is there more than one way to get to heaven? Yes Some think being a good person is enough to get you to heaven No The bible says only through belief in Christ our Savior can you get to Heaven
Is it Sinful to be Obese? Yes The body is a temple and you are supposed to take care of it. No God doesn't judge our heart and soul based on our weight
Were the crusades justified in their time? Yes When the crusades occurred they were thought of as necessary to protect Christian religion No There is never a justification for war
Is it ok to get tattoos or is it sinful? Yes It's ok because the translation in the bible is not clear, it looks like what was being considered in Leviticus was scarification and other things related to the dead. No The bible says do not mark your body and also, your body is a …