Faith PollsDid you ever engage in warfare prayer? Abiram Mohan / November 21, 2022 Warfare prayer focuses on using prayer as a weapon to go to war against spiritual forces and unseen demons Yes [...]
Faith PollsHave you ever tried palm reading? Abiram Mohan / November 20, 2022 Palm reading is the practice of predicting life events through the lines on one's palms Yes It is harmless and
Faith PollsShould Christians believe in the Rapture? Abiram Mohan / November 19, 2022 It is said that Christ will come again for His Church. Do you think the Rapture will happen? Yes All
Faith PollsIs it important for you to read the Bible regularly? Abiram Mohan / November 18, 2022 The Bible is the way of the Lord to make himself known to us. Some make time to read it,
Faith PollsCan someone believe in God but not attend church? Abiram Mohan / November 17, 2022 Can you love Jesus and at the same time NOT go to church services? Yes Church is all about giving
Faith PollsFor our married readers: Did you have sex before marriage? Abiram Mohan / November 16, 2022 The Bible is filled with teachings about sex and marriage. However, there may be reasons that led some of us
Faith PollsAre women allowed to be pastors? Abiram Mohan / November 15, 2022 Some Christians say women can be pastors in the church. Other Christians say only men can be pastors. Yes God
Faith PollsCan Christians believe in astrology? Abiram Mohan / November 14, 2022 Many people think Christianity and astrology are mutually exclusive beliefs. Can you be Christian and believe in astrology? Yes God
Faith PollsDo you think it makes a difference if a church is non-denominational or not? Abiram Mohan / November 13, 2022 Do you believe churches of a certain denomination are better than non-denominational churches? Yes Churches affiliated with a denomination are