Faith PollsAs a Christian do you believe it’s better to display a cross or a crucifix? Abiram Mohan / November 12, 2022 Is it better to display or wear a cross instead of a crucifix? Yes I believe the Lord is risen [...]
Faith PollsIs it important to tithe if you are a follower of Christ? Abiram Mohan / November 9, 2022 Do you think follows of Christ should Tithe, was it a command or a suggestion? Yes Tithing is a form
Faith PollsDo you think little white lies are as bad of a sin as other lies? Abiram Mohan / November 8, 2022 Does God look at little white lies the same way he looks at other more serious lies or are they
Faith PollsShould Christians wear makeup? Abiram Mohan / November 7, 2022 Do you think it's ok to wear makeup as a Christian or is it a sin? Yes There is nothing
Faith PollsDo you think the President of the United States of America is a Christian? Abiram Mohan / November 6, 2022 President Biden claims to be a Christian, do you think he is? Yes He claims he is, I have no
Faith PollsWhen Jesus was on earth, would he have voted for either of our current political parties? Abiram Mohan / November 5, 2022 Based on your knowledge of both the Republican and Democrat party, do you think Jesus would have voted for either
Faith PollsIs it a sin to use birth control medication? Abiram Mohan / November 4, 2022 Is it a sin to use birth control medication to avoid becoming pregnant? Yes Some birth control medicines use abortive
Faith PollsIs it important to pray before meals? Abiram Mohan / November 4, 2022 Is prayer before a meal still relevant today? Yes It's always important to give thanks to God for all he
Faith PollsShould churches hold auditions for the choir? Abiram Mohan / November 3, 2022 Are bad singers a problem in the church choir? Yes Bad singers take focus off of the praise No It's