Great Tips to Being a Friend Who Lifts Others Up

Tips on being that friend

Hey there, faith-filled friends! 👋 Today, we’re diving into something that’s close to my heart – being the kind of friend who truly uplifts others. You know, the one who leaves people feeling better than when they arrived? Yeah, that’s the goal! 🌟

So, let’s jump right in with some practical tips to become that beacon of positivity in your friendships:

Listen with your whole heart
It’s not just about hearing words, folks. It’s about truly tuning in to what your friend is saying – and what they’re not saying. Put down that phone (yes, really!), make eye contact, and show them they have your full attention. Sometimes, being heard is the greatest gift we can give.

Celebrate the small wins
Life isn’t just about the big moments. It’s those little victories that often need the most cheering. Did your friend finally tackle that pile of laundry they’ve been avoiding? Heck yeah, that deserves a high five! 🙌 Recognizing these small accomplishments can be incredibly motivating.

Offer genuine compliments
We’re not talking about empty flattery here. Look for the good in your friends and tell them what you see. Maybe it’s their killer sense of humor, their thoughtfulness, or how they always remember your coffee order. Shine a light on their unique qualities – it can work wonders for their self-esteem.

Be the voice of encouragement
When your friend is facing a challenge, be their personal cheerleader. Remind them of their strengths, of times they’ve overcome obstacles before. Sometimes we all need someone to believe in us, especially when we’re struggling to believe in ourselves.

Practice empathy, not judgment
We’ve all been there – a friend makes a decision we don’t quite understand. Instead of jumping to judgment, try to see things from their perspective. Ask questions, seek to understand. Your empathy can be a soft place for them to land.

Show up (even when it’s inconvenient)
True friendship often means being there when it’s not easy or convenient. That 2 AM phone call? Answer it. The friend who needs help moving? Grab those boxes. Your presence in tough times speaks volumes.

Pray with and for your friends (and YES, as much as you do not want to, your enemies, your frienemies)
As people of faith, we have this incredible tool in our friendship toolkit – prayer. Offer to pray with your friends when they’re struggling. And don’t forget to lift them up in your private prayers too. There’s something powerful about knowing someone’s got your back spiritually.

Remember, being an uplifting friend isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being present, being real, and being intentional in how we love our people. It’s about creating a space where others feel valued, heard, and supported.

So, here’s my challenge to you this week: Pick one of these tips and really focus on applying it in your friendships. Maybe it’s listening more intently, or perhaps it’s sending that encouraging text you’ve been meaning to write. Whatever it is, take that step. You never know how your small act of kindness might be exactly what someone needs today.

Let’s be the kind of friends who lift others up, who spread joy, and who make this world a little brighter, one interaction at a time. After all, isn’t that what we’re called to do? 💖

What about you? How do you lift up your friends? Share your tips in the comments below – let’s learn from each other and keep spreading that positivity!

Until next time, keep shining that light of yours. The world needs it more than you know!


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