The 10 Commandments

The Ten Commandments, also known as the Decalogue (Greek: deka logoi [“10 words”]), was given to Moses on Mount Sinai by the Almighty and inscribed on two tablets of stone. Exodus 20:2–17 and Deuteronomy 5:–21 both give a nearly identical account of the Ten Commandments. Exodus (New Revised Standard Version) renders as seen below: I …

How To Get To Heaven

The search for Heaven is a quest as old as man and a sincere effort is made to make sure that whatever happens beyond this life is better than what was experienced here. Many teachers, gurus, and faiths have different ideas on paradise and how to reach there. God outlined His only means of spending …

Christianity by the Numbers

Christians now make up well over 2 billion of the world’s population, quadrupling from about 600 million in 1910 to now. Christianity continues to be the most widespread religion in the world today. A Quick Look at the Number of Christians in the World Today The Pew Research Center estimates that there were 2.3 billion …

The Story of Creation

Have you ever considered the origins of this stunning universe? You must look back in time with the help of this creation story and imagine the unimaginable. There was nothing in the beginning. Only God existed; time, light, and darkness did not exist. God then made the decision to manifest his strength. God created the …

Noah and His Faithfulness

Because Noah followed and obeyed God every day, God recognized him as the most righteous man in his generation. When discussing the wickedness on earth with Noah, he threatened to send rain for forty days and nights in order to exterminate all life. In order to start over, he instructed him to build an ark …