Faith PollsAre there any different ways to have salvation? Abiram Mohan / February 7, 2023 We all know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and life verse found in the book of John 14:6. [...]
Faith PollsDoes money make people evil? Abiram Mohan / February 6, 2023 We use money to fulfill our basic needs, but some people fall into greed and want more than they need.
Faith PollsWhere did really humans came from? Abiram Mohan / February 5, 2023 There are two theories of human origin: Biblical, which is that God created man and Scientific which is evolution and
Faith PollsIs it permissible to marry a non-believer? Abiram Mohan / February 4, 2023 King Solomon did marry non-believer wives for his kingdom alliances. But many of them still prayed to their Baals. Yes
Faith PollsDo all Christians believe in having their Christmas Celebration on the 25th of December? Abiram Mohan / February 3, 2023 Jesus exact birthday is not written in the bible, but many Christians assumed December 25th as Christ birthday to honor
Faith PollsCan Christians tell white lies? Abiram Mohan / February 2, 2023 Lies came from the devil himself. It made our ancestor Adam and Eve sin and be banished from the Garden
Faith PollsIs it permissable for Christians to listen to secular music? Abiram Mohan / February 1, 2023 Praise and worship songs help us to be more connected to our Lord, but is it ok to listen to
Faith PollsIs belief in Prophetic Dreams still acceptable? Abiram Mohan / January 31, 2023 Joseph the Dreamer, son of Jacob, had visions from his dreams and can read other persons dreams to determine the
Faith PollsIs reading and believing in astrology a sin? Abiram Mohan / January 30, 2023 In Old Testament, pagans and Magi read stars for asking signs from the universe or their god. They also use