Choose Well….

Every choice you make matters. Each decision impacts your life, whether it succeeds or fails, whether it’s significant or trivial. As the saying goes, “Your life can be changed by an association with someone. Choose well.” It’s essential to be deliberate in selecting those who surround you. The company you keep profoundly influences who you …

The Battles Waged By Our Imagination

imagination mind games

The Battles Within: Navigating Inner Conflicts through Faith and Imagination Have you ever found yourself caught in a mental struggle, replaying scenarios over and over, each time with a different outcome? These are the battles waged by our imagination, and they can significantly impact how we view our role in the world. From shaping our …

Using YOUR Faith As Your Best Asset

What is YOUR faith strength How do you cope? Email me and give me some ideas!!! I would love to share with our audience (names not shared) Faith is a powerful and multifaceted concept that can transcend religious boundaries. In reality, it can be defined as a strong belief or trust in someone or …