The Story of Creation

Have you ever considered the origins of this stunning universe? You must look back in time with the help of this creation story and imagine the unimaginable. There was nothing in the beginning. Only God existed; time, light, and darkness did not exist.

God then made the decision to manifest his strength. God created the earth and the heavens on the first day. However, the earth was formless. God then commanded “Let there be light.” And then light appeared! And thus is how day and night came into being.

God made all the lakes, rivers, and oceans on the second day.

God gave the order for dry land to appear on earth on the third day. God soon produced all the lovely plants and trees you see today.

The fourth day then arrived! God created the sun, moon, and countless stars in the sky.

There was, however, more to come!

The marine creatures were created on the fifth day, when God breathed life into the waters. On the sixth day, he also produced all of the lovely birds.

On the sixth day, God summoned forth living things, including animals of various sizes and shapes, to populate the planet. Reptiles, insects, and mammals now called earth their home. On the sixth day of creation, God also made Adam and Eve, the first two humans.

God proclaimed the seventh day to be a day of rest once the earth was prepared and teeming with life.


All things that we perceive have been made by God.

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