Faith and Friendship Series: Backbone of Life

a solid foundation of friendship

Y’all ever been in one of those old houses that’s seen better days? The kind where the floors creak and the walls lean a little? Well, let me tell you, life can feel like that sometimes – shaky and uncertain. But just like a good foundation keeps a house standing tall through storms and seasons, true friends are the backbone that keeps us upright when life tries to knock us down.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Patrick,” you might say, “it’s hard to trust other people these days.” And boy, ain’t that the truth? We’ve all been there, wondering if someone’s really got our back or if they’re just waiting for the right moment to bail. Are they the umbrella friend who’ll shield you from the storm, or the fair-weather type who disappears at the first drop of rain? Worse yet, are they the kind who’ll use your struggles as tomorrow’s gossip?

It’s a tough world out there, and we’re all imperfect humans just trying to muddle through. Heck, if we’re being honest, we’ve probably all been guilty of letting someone down at some point. But that’s exactly why being a good friend – being that backbone for someone else – is so important.

I remember this one time back in college (okay, maybe more than a few years ago now). I was going through a rough patch – you know, the kind where nothing seems to go right. My grades were slipping, and I was a mess, and I was about ready to throw in the towel.

But then, my buddy Mike showed up at my dorm room with a pizza, beer, and a grin. “Thought you could use some brain food,” he said, plopping down on my ratty old futon.

We spent several hours talking, laughing, and yeah, maybe shedding a tear or two (don’t tell anyone). My next day changed, I felt like I could take on the world again.

Here’s the kicker though – I found out later that Mike was dealing with his own mess of troubles that night. But he put all that aside to be there for me. And you know what? He told me later that helping me out actually helped him cope with his own stuff too.

That’s the real secret sauce, folks. Being there for others, even when you’re going through your own storms, can be like throwing yourself a lifeline. It gets you out of your own head, gives you a sense of purpose, and reminds you that you’re not alone in this crazy world.

In the past week as I create this, we have seen a major hurricane hit the Southeast US with devastating effects and we ourselves are in the direct path of another hurricane this week in Florida. In the Bible, Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” When life’s storms are howling, it’s those ride-or-die friends who’ll hunker down with you, holding you steady until the sun comes out again.

So, here’s my challenge to you: Be that friend. Be the foundation someone else needs. And when you’re feeling shaky yourself, don’t be too proud to lean on the folks who love you. After all, we’re all in this together, and with a little help from our friends, we can weather any storm that comes our way.

Remember, life might try to blow you over, but with good friends by your side, you’ll keep standing strong. That’s a promise you can build on. And who knows? By being that backbone for someone else, you might just find the strength you need to stand a little taller yourself.

Remember, life might try to blow you over, but with good friends by your side, you’ll keep standing strong. That’s a promise you can build on.

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